Sheriff Joe Arpaio, also known as "America's Toughest Sheriff" and renowned for instigating one of the most impressive and controversial programs in the world of animal welfare today, will join the slate of diverse speakers.
Shelley was invited to speak by the Center's President and CEO Mike Arms, who has been credited with saving more orphaned animals than anyone else in the history of the planet.
"Mike Arms is not only passionate about animals, but passionate about people, especially sharing his experiences and knowledge with the next generations of advocates - he freely shares resources and wants you to succeed," Shelley says. As an attendee and speaker of the 2014 Conference, Shelley said she not only took away a wealth of information and tools to run a small rescue organization (The Animal Protectorates - TAPS™) that she co-founded like a business, but also learned about "compassion fatigue" that is rampant in animal advocacy, no matter what sector.
For more information about the Conference, speakers and sessions, visit the Conference website at: